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Peter Gillis

The scholar, turning to the left, in black gown, trimmed in sable, sits before his work table, on which in addition to a red, bound book, there is an hour glass.

The Adoration of the Shepherds

The tableau takes place in a ruinous stable. The ruins, is as in so many late-medieval Christmas presentations, the palace of David, from whose family the Messiah shall be born (Isaiah, 7: 13-14).

Saint Mary Magdalen

Mary Magdalen stands in an open portico in front of an Italian landscape. Her hair is for the most part uncovered and bound with translucent ribbons and veils, after the Italian fashion.

Altarpiece of the Guild of the Joiners

In 1479, the joiners disassociated themselves from the coopers and established their own guild. They ordered an altarpiece for their chapel, a Lamentation of Christ.