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The Book, Vision & Material

As a consequence of the Vision and Material conference, held in Brussels in 2010, which was organised by the Flemish Academic Centre (VLAC is an initiative of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for academic research and art), the book Vision & Material has come to light as a publication. Vision & Material: Interaction Between Art and Science in Jan van Eyck's Time tallies 332 pages with 16 contributors and some two hundred, high-resolution illustrations (mostly colour). For illustrations of the Van Eycks' Ghent Altarpiece, which is currently being restored, contributors were able to make usage of the hundreds of high-resolution photographs that were made during the 2010 academically driven research campaign. The book is, thus for both reasons, academically as well as pictorially highly relevant.

The book was brought about under the guardianship of Marc De Mey, Maximiliaan P.J. Martens and Cyriel Stroo.

It contains articles authored by Inigo Bocken (Radboud University, Nijmegen), Till-Holger Borchert (Groeninge Museum, Bruges), Mark Clarke (Lisbon University), Bruno Cornelis (Vrije Universiteit, Brussels), Ingrid Daubechies (Duke University, USA), Marc De Mey (Ghent University), Dominique Deneffe (KIKIRPA, Brussels), Ann Dooms (Vrije Universiteit, Brussels), Bart Fransen (KIKIRPA, Brussels), Ingrid Geelen (KIKIRPA, Brussels), Alan Gilchrist (Rutgers University, USA), Jan Koenderink (MIT, USA and universities of Delft and Leuven), Maximiliaan P.J. Martens (Ghent University), Aleksandra Pižurica (Ghent University), Ljiljana Platiša (Ghent University), Tijana Ružić (Ghent University), Wolfgang Schneider (Hildesheim University), Harald Schwaetzer (Alanus Hochschule), Cyriel Stroo (KIKIRPA, Brussels), Boris Uspenskij (National Research University, Moscow), Abbie Vandivere (Amsterdam University).

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